Cancer Pain
Treatment in Nagpur


Cancer Pain Treatment in Nagpur

Cancer pain can occur due to spread of cancer in bones, muscles, or any other structures, infiltration of cancer in nerves, compression of nerve due to entrapment by a tumour. the treatment focuses on comprehensive pain management strategies to alleviate the often substantial discomfort experienced by patients. Through a multidisciplinary approach, specialized healthcare professionals collaborate to tailor individualized plans addressing the unique pain profiles of bone cancer patients. Medications,including analgesics and opioids, may be prescribed to control pain levels effectively. Interventional procedures, such as nerve blocks, offer localized relief by targeting specific pain sources. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in maintaining mobility and function, with therapists employing exercises to enhance strength and flexibility.

Signs and Symptoms

Cancer pain is usually accompanied with the following signs and symptoms:

  • Persistent Pain
  • Limping or Difficulty Walking
  • Swelling and Tenderness
  • Bone Fractures
  • Weight Loss and Fatigue

Risk Factors

  • Old age
  • Radiation Exposure
  • Genetics

What are the cause of cancer pain?

Cancer pain can occur due to spread of cancer in bones, muscles, or any other structures, infiltration of cancer in nerves, compression of nerve due to entrapment by a tumour.

Why treating pain due to cancer is important and difficult?

Treating cancer pain is important because pain are very stubborn and present all day round. As the cancer spread the pain keep on increasing making patient unable to eat properly and also makes patient psychologically weak.

Does radiotherapy has a role in decreasing pain?

Radiotherapy will decrease the size of tumour . Decrease in size of tumour will decrease the pain and also any nerve compression due to tumour..

What painful cancerous conditions can be treated?

Pain due to cancer in abdominal organs can be treated with coeliac plexus block. Superior hypogastric block for cervical cancer, bladder cancer, rectalcancer, prostate cancer.

Is there any modality for relieving spine pain due to metastasis?

Sometimes vertebrae frcatures can occur when the cancer will spread. Vertebroplasty and khyphoplasty can be done and bone cane be repaired. Epidural injections will also decrease spine painr.

Why Choose PANAX?

PANAX is one of the first multidisciplinary pain management center offering comprehensive non surgical pain management services.

All our Treatment are:

  • Non surgical
  • Takes less than a hour
  • Painless
  • No blood loss


Physical examination – it is conducted to assess the affected area. The healthcare provider will check for signs of swelling, tenderness, warmth, and changes in range of motion. Any abnormalities in gait or posture may also be noted.

Blood tests may be conducted to assess the levels of certain markers that can be associated with bone cancer. However, these markers are not diagnostic on their own and are often used in conjunction with other tests.

Imaging tests, such as X-Rays, MRI Scan, CT Scan

A definitive diagnosis of bone cancer requires a biopsy. During a biopsy, a small sample of tissue is taken from the suspicious area for examination under a microscope. This can be done through various methods, including needle biopsy, core biopsy, or open biopsy.