Elbow, Hand & Wrist Pain
Treatment in Nagpur

Elbow, Hand & Wrist Pain Treatment in Nagpur

Elbow, hand, and wrist pain can result from various causes, including injuries, overuse, medical conditions, and anatomical issues.
Elbow Pain: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis): This is an overuse injury that affects the tendons on the outer side of the elbow. It is common in people who perform repetitive gripping and wrist extension movements. Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis): Similar to tennis elbow, golfer's elbow affects the tendons on the inner side of the elbow and is often caused by repetitive wrist flexion and gripping motions. Elbow Fractures: A fracture in the bones of the elbow, such as the radius or ulna, can cause pain and limited mobility.
Hand and Wrist Pain: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Compression of the median nerve in the wrist can result in symptoms such as pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand. De Quervain's Tenosynovitis: This condition involves inflammation of the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist, causing pain and limited thumb movement. Hand and Wrist Fractures: Fractures in the hand or wrist bones, such as those in the metacarpals or carpal bones, can lead to pain and dysfunction.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition of the wrist joint and hand where median nerve is compressed in a narrow passage through which it passes. It is usually seen in pregnant females, diabetic patient, arthritis, patients with thyroid problems. Pain usually will have pain in the hand mostly at night, tingling numbness of thumb, index finger and middle finger, decreased hand grip, muscle wasting of the hand is also seen. Management of this pain is done by pain killers, surgery and non surgical modality in form of hydrodisscetion, injection of local anaesthesia with steroids. Hydrodissection of median nerve is done under ultrasonograpy and is considered the best modality yielding maximum result without undergoing any surgery.

What is Gout?

Gout is a painful conditions of small joints of hands occurring due to abnormal metabolism of uric acid in the tissues and blood. There is excessive uric acid in the body which gets deposited in the joint forming crystals leading to swelling, inflammation redness, pain of small joints, small crystals in the joint. People taking alcohol beverages , red meat, obese, certain drugs can cause gout. Early diagnosis and treatment is to be done to prevent recurrent gout and gouty arthritis. There are multiple group of drugs available for aborting an acute attack of gout. These drugs are to be taken as prescribed by a pain specialist in proper combinations and dose. These drugs causes many side effects and hence regular follow up for changing of the combination of drugs is mandatory.

What is Reynaud’s disease?

Reynaud s disease is a painful condition due to spasm of the blood vessels of the hands. The blood vessels undergo narrowing on exposure to cold or due to emotional stress leading to decreased blood supply to hand which will cause cold hand, bluish discoloration of the fingers, excessive pain. This occurs n patients which chronic smokers, diabetics, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, sjogren syndrome. If not treated can lead to painful ulcer formation, gangrene due o inadequate blood supply. Pain is the most cardinal symptom of this syndrome and hence pain management becomes mandatory. This pain can be reduced with over the counter pain killers , reduce exposure to cold, stellate ganglion block.

Why Choose PANAX?

PANAX is one of the first multidisciplinary pain management center offering comprehensive non surgical pain management services.

All our Treatment are:

  • Non surgical
  • Takes less than a hour
  • Painless
  • No blood loss

What is Peripheral neuralgias of hand?

Peripheral neuralgia of hand is a condition due to damage to peripheral nerves of hand due to trauma, diabetes, trauma, infections, vitamin b12 deficiency. This will lead to pain, weakness, tingling numbness, sensations loss and sometimes autonomic changes like heart rate and blood pressure changes. Management of these neuralgias require comprehensive and multimodal approach for diagnosis and management. Pain killers, antineuropathic drugs, nerve blocks, physiotherapy and rehabilitation is mandatory for its proper management.