Migraine Headache
Treatment in Nagpur

Migraine Headache Treatment in Nagpur

Migraine is a disabling headache usually on one side of the head, throbbing or pounding in character, worsen with physical exertion activity. One in 10 people have this type of headache. It typically lasts for 4- 72 hours but may also last longer. Classical migraine is associated with aura- that is often accompanied by sensitivity to light , sound, or smells, nausea, vomiting. But it can also be present without these symptoms.
Aura are alarming symptoms which typically occurs in all patients but not are not compulsory. Symptoms like intolerance to lights, sounds, nausea, vomiting, tingling sensations in arms and legs, blurred vision, confusion, dizziness, irritability. These symptoms are alarming sign for acute attack of headache. Typically are present for 20-70 minutes and then goes off.

Signs and Symptoms

Migraine pain is usually accompanied with the following signs and symptoms:

  • Throbbing or Pulsating Pain
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Sensitivity to Light (Photophobia)
  • Oversensitivity to Sensory Stimuli
  • Severe Headache
  • Unilateral Pain
  • Visual Disturbances
  • Neck Stiffness & mood changes

triggering Factors

  • stress
  • eye strain & overexertion
  • impaired sleep or skipping meals.
  • vision problems
  • muscle strains


The exact cause of migraine headache is yet to be discovered. Environmental conditions and Genetics play important role in causing migraine headaches. Imbalances in the chemical mediators of brain like serotonin have said to play important role.

  • Neurological and Vascular Changes: Migraines are thought to involve changes in the brain and blood vessels. It is believed that abnormal changes in blood flow in the brain can trigger a migraine episode.
  • Genetics: There appears to be a strong genetic component to migraines. If you have a family history of migraines, you may be more prone to experiencing them.
  • Triggers: Many people with migraines have specific triggers that can precipitate an attack. Common triggers include: Certain foods or beverages, such as caffeine, alcohol, aged cheeses, and processed foods with additives like MSG. Environmental factors, including strong odors, bright lights, and changes in weather or barometric pressure. Hormonal changes, particularly in women during their menstrual cycle or with the use of hormonal contraceptives.


Treatment options includes.
Avoiding the triggering factors , understanding the aura and taking the medicine before migraine sets in.
Drugs as prescribed by the physician is to be taken to abort the acute attack of migraine- NSAIDs, triptan group of drugs, ergotamines.
Drugs to prevent the attack of this headaches are given to the following candidates;

  • Attack lasting for more than 12 hours
  • More than 4 debilitating attack in a month
  • When the drugs to abort the acute attack takes long time to act.

What is the role of Botox injection for migraine?

Botox injection is the new the technique which provides relief from migraine headache.
The FDA approves the use of Botox to treat chronic migraine in adults who are age 18 or over.
Usually it gives relive for 6-8 months after which it has to be repeated. Few people may be allergic to Botox therapy and may express some reactions.

When should patient not miss to see a doctor

Intense, exploding headache New-onset headache in patients Persistent morning headache with nausea New onset of headache in a patient with history of cancer
Progressive headache, worsening over weeks . Headaches associated with postural changes Aura symptoms that last longer than an hour Occur for the first time on using oral contraceptive pill

Why Choose PANAX?

PANAX is one of the first multidisciplinary pain management center offering comprehensive non surgical pain management services.

All our Treatment are:

  • Non surgical
  • Takes less than a hour
  • Painless
  • No blood loss


Medical History: The healthcare provider will take a detailed medical history, including a history of headache symptoms. They may ask about the frequency, duration, and characteristics of the headaches, as well as any associated symptoms.

Headache Description: The patient will be asked to describe the nature of their headaches. This includes details such as the location of the pain, its quality (throbbing, pulsating, etc.), any aura symptoms, and any triggers that seem to precede the headache.

Your physician may also ask yo for various tests like blood test, MRI Scan, CT Scan depending on the associated features.